Welcome to Corringham



Corringham's Grade II listing protects its modernist exterior and the scissor design of the apartments. The building, the garden and its trees are further protected because they are situated in the Bayswater conservation area (area number 6 on the map).

What is a conservation area?

Conservation areas in Westminster
Conservation areas in Westminster (click for larger image)

Shade in Corringham's garden
Shade in Corringham's garden (click for larger image)

The local planning authority designates conservation areas as "areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". Whereas the listing process safeguards individual buildings, the conservation area legislation protects the more general character of an area. Westminster City Council (WCC), the local planning authority for Corringham, has designated over fifty conservation areas; 75% of Westminster is covered.

The conservation area status of Bayswater means that Westminster City Council takes special care to protect and enhance the quality of the area. Before carrying out new building works or alterations to existing buildings, whether listed or not, property owners have to submit detailed plans to the Council to obtain planning permission. The Council considers carefully whether the plans harm the appearance or the character of the conservation area and consults more widely than in non-conservation areas.

Any alterations to a listed building, including internal works which in the Council's opinion affect its character, require listed building consent. Most works affecting the outside of listed buildings also require planning permission. The Council considers the effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the conservation area and on the listed building.

Corringham's trees

Although many privately owned trees are already protected by Tree Preservation Orders, trees in conservation areas are additionally protected. Any work on trees requires a Council licence.

This protects the four plane trees and three lime trees that give Corringham's garden its summer shade.